To help protect you from struck-by hazards your employer must:
Standing on the Edge
Videos like this are high impact and great for short training sessions.
- Train workers in the work zone to recognize hazards associated with the use of the equipment and any related duties that they are assigned to perform.
- Ensure crane operators are qualified or certified according to OSHA standards.
- Ensure signal person meets qualification requirements according to OSHA standards.
- Instruct workers in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and the regulations applicable to his/her work environment to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposure to illness or injury.
- Ensure qualified operators and riggers have been trained on rigging safety, such as:
- the weight [of load] the rigging is expected to support
- the capacity of the strength of the rigging (type and method of use)
- how to retain the load - know which hitches work best for certain types of loads
- how to control the load - know which hitches provide good load control and where the center of gravity of the load is
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-9. Employers must train workers in the construction site work zone to _____.
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