Fire Prevention, Medical Services and Security
It is extremely important to develop a formal Fire Prevention and Protection plan (FPP) and coordinate medical services prior to beginning a demolition job.

The FPP plan should outline the assignments of key personnel in the event of a fire and provide an evacuation plan for workers on the site. Medical services should include coordination with local providers and training in first aid and CPR.
Formal Fire Prevention and Protection Plan
Good sense and thorough employee training should be the general rule in all fire prevention planning, as follows:
- Evaluate all potential sources of ignition and take the necessary corrective measures.
- Ensure a competent person installs all electrical wiring and equipment for providing light, heat, or power. Make sure a competent person inspects electrical wiring and equipment regularly.
- Locate equipment powered by an internal combustion engine so the exhausts discharge well away from combustible materials and away from workers.
- Maintain a clearance of at least six (6) inches between piping and combustible materials when the exhausts are piped outside the building.
- Shut down all internal combustion equipment prior to refueling. Make sure fuel for this equipment is stored in a safe location.
- Locate sufficient firefighting equipment near any flammable or combustible liquid storage area.
- Use only approved containers and portable tanks for storing and handling flammable and combustible liquids.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-1. What is a "good-sense" practice you should follow when developing a fire prevention plan?
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