Minimizing Hazards on Deck
Be sure to follow these safe practices to minimize hazards to which employees may be exposed while working on barge decks:
- Keep all walking and working surfaces clean, dry, and unobstructed.
- Keep all areas free of debris.
- Clean up and/or report any spill immediately.
- Stack materials in a stable manner.
- Secure gear and equipment that is not in use.
- Keep stairs, doorways, walkways, and gangways free of equipment and stowed materials.
- Secure ramps during loading and offloading operations.
- Repair leaks from hoses, pipelines, and valves immediately.
- Use non-skid protective deck compound and do not paint over the non-skid compound with standard paint.
- Have de-icing procedures in place when necessary.
- Paint the perimeter and tripping hazards in a contrasting color.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-2. Which of the following should be done to minimize the hazards to which employees may be exposed while working on barge deck?
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