Real Safety Commitment
The success of your company's SMS depends on the willingness of top management to display a serious commitment to protect every employee on the job.
Management doesn't show real commitment to safety when they merely “prioritize" it: real commitment is displayed when management “values” safety. When safety is prioritized, it must compete with other programs.
Managers who understand the positive benefits are most likely to invest serious time and money on safety: developing effective safety policies, programs, plans, processes, procedures, and practices. They will also display tough-caring leadership that includes accountability and recognition of performance.
Management involvement and commitment is can be demonstrated by:
- allocating dedicated health and safety resources
- setting clear expectations for health and safety performance
- assigning and monitoring health and safety responsibilities
- demonstrating active leadership
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-2. When are managers most likely to spend serious time and money on safety?
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