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900 Oil and Gas Safety Management
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Involvement in Safety

Management and Employees Must Be Involved

Employee involvement provides the means through which workers develop and express their own commitment to safety and health.

Two workers shaking hands in agreement in front of worksite
Strong involvement indicates "trust" between labor and management.

The best safety and health management systems involve employees at every level of the organization. Employees are often those closest to the hazard, and have the most first-hand knowledge of workplace hazards. Clearly, the employer has ultimate responsibility for its workers; however, using employees' knowledge and experience to help identify and resolve problems can make the system more effective.

It's difficult to have an effective safety and health program without developing a corporate safety culture that encourages genuine employee involvement. When you mention involvement in safety, most people think only about "employee" involvement, but to do it right, management should be out front and involved.

Management needs to lead by example and that means communicating and following through with action. This module will discuss some of the components of employer and employee involvement in safety.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-1. How do the best safety and health management systems involve employees?