Strains and Sprains
Ergonomic controls can help eliminate or limit exposure to MSDs on a drilling rig. Types of controls usually fall into these ergonomic categories:
- Prolonged standing: Static postures may occur as workers continuously stand in one position causing muscle fatigue and pooling of blood in the lower extremities.
- Forceful exertions: Movement such as lifting, lowering, pushing or pulling heavy equipment or supplies, can cause back, neck and shoulder injury resulting in muscle strain, tendinitis or rotator cuff injuries, etc.
- Awkward postures: The probability of injury increases when any forceful exertion or repetitive motion is accomplished while the worker assumes an awkward posture such as twisting.
- Repetitive motions: Performing hand-intensive tasks with a bent wrist creates considerable stress on the tendons of the wrist and can lead to irritation and swelling. MSDs such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendinitis, and Tenosynovitis may result.
General solutions for strains and sprains include:
- Use proper lifting technique.
- Hoist slowly to limit pipe momentum.
- Seek assistance when moving awkward and heavy guards and covers.
- Use proper stance and slip-lifting techniques. Slips have three handles and should be lifted jointly by more than one person.
- Use lifting equipment and limit manual positioning of elevators.
- Practice proper hand placement and use of pullback (tail) ropes.
- Use mechanical lifting aids, proper lifting techniques, and team lifting where appropriate.
- Use proper hand and body positioning.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-5. To help prevent an injury, what should a worker do when moving awkward and heavy guards and covers?
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