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901 Oil and Gas Hazard Awareness
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Other Hazards on the Drilling Site

Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Only approved containers and portable tanks should be used for storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids. Approved safety cans should be used for the handling and use of flammable liquids in quantities greater than one gallon.

Picture of a well bore at a distance
No stored fuels within 75 feet of a well bore.

No persons (except those having necessary duties or those authorized by the employer) should be permitted within the vicinity of a job or operation where the atmosphere is known to be contaminated with hazardous concentrations of flammable vapors or gases.

Flammables, such as gasoline and naphtha should not be used as cleaning material due to their high flashpoints. Smoking or open flames should not be allowed within 75 feet of the handling of flammable liquids. Oxygen should not be stored or used in the vicinity of flammable liquids.

Any engine being refueled should be shut off during refueling. An electrical bond should be maintained between containers when a flammable liquid is being transferred from one to the other. Dispensing nozzles and valves should be of the self-closing type.

Except for the fuel in the tanks of the operating equipment, no flammable fuel should be stored within 75 feet of a well bore. Drainage from any fuel storage should be in a direction away from the well and equipment. Spills should be immediately cleaned up. The area around all storage facilities should be maintained reasonably free of oil, grease, and other combustible materials.

Fuel storage tanks should be protected by crash rails or guards to prevent physical damage unless by virtue of their location they have this protection. Adequate berms should be placed around storage tanks.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

4-1. When should only approved safety cans be used for the handling and use of flammable liquids?