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901 Oil and Gas Hazard Awareness
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Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide

The effect of hydrogen sulfide on metals, known variously as metal fatigue, hydrogen embrittlement, and sulfide stress cracking, can cause failure of the drill string during a well control situation. Such failure can result in the release of hazardous concentrations of H2S in the drilling area. Careful selection of resistant metals and chemical treatment of drilling fluids can effectively guard against such failure.

Pipe located outdoors that is corroded by the effects of H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
The effects of H2S on metal pipe.

Iron sulfide is a byproduct of many production operations and may spontaneously combust with air. Flaring operations associated with H2S production will generate Sulfur Dioxide (S02), another toxic gas.

Active monitoring for hydrogen sulfide gas and good planning and training programs for workers are the best ways to prevent injury and death.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

7-6. According to the text, what can happen as a result of the effect of hydrogen sulfide on metals, during the well control process?