Energy Isolation
You will need to list the name and location of each piece of equipment with electrical, stored, chemical injection, or mechanical energy.

Electrical Sources
- Check that electrical energy sources are identified by proper labeling.
- Check that lock out devices are available for each type of power disconnect on the rig.
- Verify that written instructions are available for completing lock out on each piece of rig equipment.
Multiple Electrical Sources
Check that the different types of power sources on equipment with multiple power sources are labeled on the machine. Many rig components may have multiple energy sources associated with their operation and maintenance. Traction motors may have a control circuit as well as Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC) power feeds.
Auto Start Equipment
Check that equipment that starts automatically or, that can be started from a remote location, is properly guarded and clearly marked. Air compressors, hydraulic power units and charge pumps are examples of equipment that can be started remotely or automatically should all be labeled.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-2. What should be done to equipment that has multiple types of power sources?
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