Hose and Fittings
Hose Body
- The hose should not be crushed or kinked or otherwise deformed.
- Check for swelling of the hose body that would indicate that the hose had been over heated or over pressured.

Regularly inspect drilling fluid hoses.
- Small cracks on the outside layer are common; however, cracks that expose multiple layers may need to be addressed and should be noted on the inspection.
- Look for signs of stretching or pulling of the hose. This may cause undue stress on the fittings.
- Check for damage that may have been caused by the hose being snagged along its length.
End Fittings
Carefully inspect each end of the hose to verify the integrity of the connection.
- The fitting should be seated all the way down into the hose and show no signs of movement.
- Fitting clamps and bands should be tight and located in the proper position on the fitting.
- The end fittings themselves should not be damaged and any locking mechanisms should be fully functional.
- Hose fittings and connections should be tight and not leaking.
- Fittings must be rated for the same service as the hose and be installed correctly.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
9-2. Why should the inspector look for signs of stretching or pulling of the hose?
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