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907 Introduction to SEMS II
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Audit Plan and Procedures

The audit plan and procedures must meet or exceed all of the recommendations included in API RP 75 section 12 and include information on how you addressed those recommendations.

You must specifically address the following items:

  • Section 12.1 General
  • Section 12.2 Scope
  • Section 12.3 Audit Coverage
  • Section 12.4 Audit Plan: You must submit the written Audit Plan to BSEE at least 30 days before the audit. BSEE reserves the right to modify the list of facilities that you propose to audit.
  • Section 12.5 Audit Frequency, except the audit interval, must not exceed 3 years after the 2-year time period for the first audit. The 3-year auditing cycle begins on the start date of each comprehensive audit (including the initial implementation audit) and ends on the start date of the next comprehensive audit.
  • Section 12.6 Audit Team. The audits must be performed by an ASP as described in 250.1921. You must include the ASP's qualifications in the audit plan.

You must submit an audit report of the audit findings, observations, deficiencies identified, and conclusions to BSEE within 60 days of the audit completion date.

Ref: Title 30 SECTION 250.1920

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

6-2. When must the operator submit a written audit plan to BSEE?