Handling Hazardous Chemicals and Substances
- The supervisor should assess the job to be performed and if required, conduct training sessions and a Pre-Job Safety Meeting with all workers involved in the use of the hazardous substance.
- Replace hazardous materials labels or markings on containers in use or stored on platforms or Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) that have been damaged, defaced or faded.
- Archive the SDSs of all hazardous chemical substances that were present on the facility at any time.
- SDSs should be available for all hazardous chemicals and products on company worksites.
- Employees should be trained to handle chemicals and products safely according to Hazardous Communications (HAZCOM) program requirements.
- Contractors should have comparable training as required by their HAZCOM program.
- SDSs should be available to all affected employees and contractors exposed to hazardous substances.
- Discuss Hazard Communication Program requirements during new employee orientation.
- Store SDSs in the central work area so that workers have immediate access in an emergency.
- Verify that the appropriate placard markings and cargo manifests are in place at the platform.
- Replace damaged or faded container labels and placard markings.
- Prior approval is required before bringing a new chemical or controlled product to a company site.
More information on OSHA's new GHS Hazard Communication Standard.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-2. Why should SDSs be stored in a central work area?
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