40-hour HAZWOPER for General Site Workers Program
40-Hour HAZWOPER Training Online
- Satisfies training requirements outlined in OSHA standards.
- Convenient online training at your own pace.
- Access course materials for FREE.
- No up-front fees or costs!
- Purchase a PDF certificate upon completion.
Time Requirement
OSHA Standard 1910.120 requires students to complete 40-hours of off-site training as part of this program. OSHAcademy has divided the 40-hour HAZWOPER program into ten courses. Each course has a minimum time requirement, which must be met before a student is granted access to the course exam. After successfully completing each course exam, students are guaranteed to have met the 40-hour time requirement defined by OSHA.
OSHA On-site Requirement
After completing the 40-hour HAZWOPER off-site training program, OSHA requires employees to receive three (3) days of on-the-job worksite-specific training provided by their company (29 CFR 1910.120 (e)(3)(i)).

Learn to recognize hazards.

Ensure OSHA compliance.

Meet training requirements.

Understand federal safety and health regulations.

Our high-quality certificate package options include PDF, Original, and PDF & Original formats.

Access 100% of our training material for free, including the study guide, knowledge check activities, course activities and resources, and course exams.

OSHAcademy prices, on average, are 25% less than other online training providers.
Package Includes
- Program Certificate
- FREE† Course Certificates
- FREE† Training Record Card
- FREE† Transcript

- 660 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers I
- 661 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers II
- 662 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers III
- 663 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers IV
- 664 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers V
- 665 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers VI
- 666 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers VII
- 667 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers VIII
- 668 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers IX
- 669 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers X
Why Register?
When you register for an OSHAcademy student account, you will be able to complete and track your training using our online Learning Management System (LMS). After registering, you will be able to edit your account profile and track your individual training from your personal LMS dashboard. Once you make a payment, you can view exam scores and, if purchased, print your PDF certificates.
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Registering for an account takes only a few minutes and we never sell, share, or trade your personal information with anyone! You control access to your account by creating a personal student ID and password only you know. Click here to view our full privacy policy.
If you are already an OSHAcademy student, you can update your enrollment through your student dashboard. Need help? Call or email or office.
Register Now!Final Course Exam
After studying the course material and completing the knowledge check activities, students can take the course exam. The course exam is designed to test the students understanding of the course material. Course exams are composed of multiple choice questions selected from our extensive question bank.
Exam Characteristics
- Exams vary in length, from 10 questions to 50 questions, depending on the course content. Most exams are 20 questions in length.
- You have two (2) hours to complete the course exam.
- The exam is open book. You can use course modules, review notes, or the course study guide to help answer questions.
- You must achieve a minimum score of 70% to pass the exam.
- You may retake the final exam if you fail to pass it:
- You may take an exam three (3) times within a 48-hour period.
- After the third attempt, students must wait 48 hours before attempting the exam again. During this time, you should review the course material to improve your understanding.
- After each exam, you receive an email with information on missed questions. We encourage you to review the course material to improve your understanding.
- When you pass the final exam, you may not retake the exam to raise your score.
Employers and their employees covered by OSHA's HAZWOPER standard are integral to maintaining safety and health standards in hazardous working environments. The OSHA 40-hour HAZWOPER training is specifically designed for workers involved in cleaning up, emergency response, and voluntary operations dealing with hazardous substances. This comprehensive online HAZWOPER training, which aligns with the OSHA 1910.120(a)(1)(i-v) and 1926.65(a)(1)(i-v) standards, is essential for:
- Employees engaged in clean-up operations mandated by any governmental body, including federal, state, or local, at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites.
- Those conducting corrective actions as part of clean-up operations at sites under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA).
- Personnel participating in voluntary clean-up operations at locations recognized by governmental bodies as uncontrolled hazardous waste sites.
- Workers at facilities regulated by Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Parts 264 and 265, which manage hazardous wastes, including treatment, storage, and disposal, as per the RCRA regulations.
- Individuals involved in emergency response operations addressing actual or potential releases of hazardous substances, irrespective of the hazard's location.
OSHAcademy's OSHA HAZWOPER 40-hour online training program provides flexible and accessible education to ensure the safety of those who handle hazardous waste in various capacities.
Certain operations and employers may be exempt from the OSHA HAZWOPER standard, despite the critical nature of the OSHA 40-hour HAZWOPER training for ensuring safety in hazardous work environments. Exemptions include:
- Any treatment, storage, or disposal (TSD) operation regulated by 40 CFR parts 264 and 265 or by state law authorized under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and required to have a permit or interim status from EPA pursuant to 40 CFR 270.1 or from a state agency pursuant to RCRA
- Any area of a treatment, storage, or disposal (TSD) facility not used primarily for treatment, storage, or disposal, or any emergency response operations
- Employers who are not required to have a permit or interim status because they are generators who qualify under 40 CFR 262.34 for exemptions from regulation under 40 CFR parts 264 and 265
- Employers who are not required to have a permit or interim status because they are a conditionally exempt small quantity generator under 40 CFR 261.5
- Emergency response operations for releases of, or substantial threats of releases of, hazardous substances which are not covered by the first four qualifying examples above must only comply with the requirements of an Emergency Response Plan
OSHA provides a page that you may find helpful that discusses the application of HAZWOPER to worksite response and cleanup activities.
The OSHA HAZWOPER standard outlines different levels of training to ensure workers are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills for their specific roles in hazardous waste operations and emergency response. This is detailed in the HAZWOPER regulation, including Appendix E, and the OSHA 2254 - Training Requirements in OSHA Standards and Training Guidelines.
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Training - General
All employees working on site (such as but not limited to equipment operators, general laborers and others exposed to hazardous substances, health hazards, or safety hazards and their supervisors and management responsible for the site shall receive training before they are permitted to engage in hazardous waste operations that could expose them to hazardous substances, safety or health hazards, as well as receive review training.
Employees shall not be permitted to participate in or supervise field activities until they have been trained to a level required by their job function and responsibility in the following areas:
- Names of personnel and alternates responsible for site safety and health
- Safety, health and other hazards present on the site
- Use of personal protective equipment
- Work practices by which the employee can minimize risks from hazards
- Safe use of engineering controls and equipment on the site
- Medical surveillance requirements, including recognition of symptoms and signs which might indicate overexposure to hazards
Initial Training:
- General site workers (such as equipment operators, general laborers and supervisory personnel) engaged in hazardous substance removal or other activities which expose or potentially expose workers to hazardous substances and health hazards shall receive a minimum of 40 hours of instruction off the site, and a minimum of three (3) days actual field experience under the direct supervision of a trained, experienced supervisor.
- Workers on site only occasionally for a specific limited task (such as, but not limited to, ground water monitoring, land surveying, or geophysical surveying) and who are unlikely to be exposed over permissible exposure limits (PELs) and published exposure limits shall receive a minimum of 24 hours of instruction off the ite, and the minimum of one (1) day actual field experience under the direct supervision of a trained, experienced supervisor.
- Onsite management and supervisors directly responsible for, or who supervise employees engaged in, hazardous waste operations shall receive 40 hours initial training, three (3) days of supervised field experience, and at least eight (8) additional hours of specialized training at the time of job assignment. Please note: In some specific low hazard cases, Managers and Supervisors may be able to take 24 hours of initial training instead of 40 hours, but still need to take the three (3) days on site and the additional eight (8) hours of specialized training.
Other specific training requirements are:
- Employees, managers and supervisors shall receive eight (8) hours of refresher training annually.
- There are many additional requirements for clean up and emergency responders. You should review HAZWOPER regulations including Appendix E. Employees who are engaged in responding to hazardous emergency situations at hazardous waste cleanup sites that may expose them to hazardous substances shall be trained in how to respond to such expected emergencies.
- Workers regularly on site who work in areas which have been monitored and fully characterized indicating that exposures are under permissible exposure limits and published exposure limits where respirators are not necessary, and the characterization indicates that there are no health hazards or the ossibility of an emergency developing, shall receive a minimum of 24 hours of instruction off the site and a minimum of one day actual field experience under the direct supervision of a trained, experienced supervisor.
- In general, workers that have received 24 hours of training who become general site workers or who are required to wear respirators, shall have the additional 16 hours and two days of training.
If the date for refresher training has lapsed, the employer must determine whether the employee needs to repeat initial training based on the employee's familiarity with safety and health procedures used on site. The employer should ensure the employee takes the HAZWOPER refresher training course at the earliest possible opportunity. If refresher training has lapsed, the employer should note in the employee's file indicating why the training was delayed and when the training will be completed. To remain certified the expectation should be to have a 24-hour or 40-hour course completion certificate with each of the annual refresher certificates.
OSHA's thoughts on the matter:
"Employees should stay up-to-date in the refresher training, although OSHA does understand that courses may be missed because of unavoidable circumstances. If you have missed a refresher training course, you should attend the next available course. If a substantial amount of time has passed since your initial or refresher training, then repeating the initial training may be necessary. The time frame within which it would be necessary to provide extensive retraining must be determined on a case-by-case basis. Ultimately, employees must be trained sufficiently to allow them to perform their expected job duties in a safe and healthful manner."
Yes. There are two primary phases in OSHA's 40-hour HAZWOPER training requirement:
- Off-site classroom or online instruction (40 hours) - In an effective training program, it is critical trainees have the opportunity to ask questions where material is unfamiliar to them. In an online computer-based training program, this requirement may be accomplished through the use of a phone or an e-mail contact at the time the training is being conducted so trainees have direct access to a qualified trainer at the time their questions are raised. OSHAcademy has trained instructors who can answer your questions over the phone or via email, usually the same day.
- Worksite-specific hands-on training (3 days) - This phase of the training cannot be completed in the classrom or online. Trainees must have hands-on experience and exercises in the field to provide an opportunity to become familiar with equipment and safe practices in a non-hazardous setting. The purpose of hands-on training is two-fold: (1) to ensure workers can learn by practical experience and, (2) to assess whether workers have adequate skills. The employer is responsible for ensuring employees complete this phase of the HAZWOPER training requirement.
The 40-hour HAZWOPER training course offers comprehensive coverage of essential health and safety topics for hazardous waste operations. Here's a breakdown of what you'll learn:
- Understanding Hazards: Delve into the various types of hazards you may encounter, ensuring a broad understanding of potential risks.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Learn about different PPE, including selection and proper usage to ensure maximum safety.
- Protection Levels: Gain insights into the levels of protection necessary for different hazardous situations.
- Decontamination Procedures: Explore effective methods to remove contaminants and ensure safety on-site.
- Toxicology Basics: Familiarize yourself with the effects of toxins and how to manage exposure.
- Medical Surveillance Requirements: Discover the importance of regular health monitoring for those in hazardous environments.
- Site Emergency Protocols: Equip yourself with the knowledge to handle emergencies efficiently, minimizing harm and maintaining safety.
- Understanding Drums and Containers: Know the types, handling, and safety protocols for drums and containers storing hazardous waste.
- Fall Hazard Prevention: Identify fall risks and best practices to prevent workplace injuries.
- Electrocution Risks: Learn how to mitigate electrical hazards and protect against electrocution.
- Hazardous Communication: Understand how to effectively communicate potential risks and safety information among workers.
In addition to these specific topics, the course also covers other critical information on worker protections under federal regulations. This training helps students identify and address hazards found in HAZWOPER worksites.
: praise or respect given
I thought this HAZWOPER training was presented well and broken into 10 sections that made it easy to space out the 40 hour training into manageable segments. The training was presented well and the videos and exercises helped keep my attention.