More Points to Remember
Include notes, cautions, warnings. Tell the employee about the dangers and safety precautions to reduce the dangers in each step. Doing this also helps to emphasize the costs (injury, illness) and benefits (health) of using safety precautions.
Keep sentences short. Grammar checker software can help you do this. Usually, a sentence of 7-15 words is adequate.
Remind the worker why it is important to do each step safely. Unfortunately, OSHA rules do not emphasize this important part of the training. Nevertheless, you should always discuss the consequences of compliance and noncompliance with the steps in the JHA.
1. Spotter: Spot position of trailer as it nears loading dock. | Spotter could be caught between trailer and dock. | Caution: Stay clear of the rear of the trailer as it is being backed into position. Note: Keep others away from the area. |
2. Driver: When trailer is in position, turn engine off, set parking brake, and notify forklift operator. | Driver could be injured if he/she jumps off the truck. | Warning: Never jump off the cab or back of the trailer. |
3. Driver: Set chocks. | Driver could strike head on trailer. Driver could trip, slip, fall while in the dock well. |
Warning: Avoid striking the trailer when setting the wheel chocks. Caution: Use handrails and use care when walking on slippery surfaces. |
Step 1. Spotter: Position the vehicle. Spot the position of the trailer as it nears the loading dock. Make sure the trailer is correctly positioned in the dock well. Warning: It's important to follow these procedures so you don't get caught between the trailer and dock when the trailer is backing up to the dock. Note: Be sure to keep others away from the area. Remove the awareness chain or bar from the front of the dock door once the trailer is properly positioned. Step 2. Driver: When the trailer is in position, verify the vehicle has been turned off, set the parking brake, and notify the forklift operator. Warning: When exiting the truck, never jump. Many drivers are injured jumping from the cab of the truck or back of the trailer. Step 3. Driver: Set the chocks. After exiting the truck, chock the wheels. Warning: Be sure not to strike your head against the truck when setting the chocks. Caution: Be careful when walking on slippery surfaces and use handrails when using ramps or stairs. |
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-6. What should be part of the Safe Job Procedure (SJP) section of the JHA form?
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