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144 Introduction to OSHA
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The penalties OSHA assesses are based on the type of violation.

In settling a penalty, OSHA has a policy of reducing penalties for small employers and those acting in good faith. For serious violations, OSHA may also reduce the proposed penalty based on the gravity of the alleged violation.

OSHA inspector issue a violation
An OSHA inspector cites a violation.

No good faith adjustment will be made for alleged willful violations.

OSHA cites employers, not employees: It's important to understand that OSHA does not issue citations or propose penalties against employees. Instead, employers are the ones held responsible for ensuring that their employees comply with OSHA standards.

Below are the penalty amounts for 2024:

2024 Maximum and Minimum Amounts for Civil Penalties
Type of Violation Penalty Minimum Penalty Maximum
Serious $1,190** per violation $16,131 per violation
Other-Than-Serious $0 per violation $16,131 per violation
Willful or Repeated $11,524* per violation $161,323 per violation
Posting Requirements $0 per violation $16,131 per violation
Failure to Abate N/A $16,131 per day unabated beyond the abatement date [generally limited to 30 days maximum]
*For a repeated other-than-serious violation that otherwise would have no initial penalty, a GBP penalty of $460 shall be proposed for the first repeated violation, $1,152 for the second repeated violation, and $2,304 for a third repetition.
**This amount reflects the actual minimum penalty with all penalty reductions which rectifies error in the previous years' serious minimum penalty posted.

For more information on memos and other important enforcement topics see the OSHA Enforcement Memos website.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-8. What OSHA violation will NOT result in a possible "good faith" adjustment in penalty?