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144 Introduction to OSHA
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Right to File an OSHA Complaint

You may file a complaint with OSHA if you believe a violation of a safety or health standard or an imminent danger situation exists in your workplace.

Employee discussing complaint with manger with no fear of retaliation.
You have a right to file a complaint without fear of retaliation.

You may request that your name not be revealed to your employer. You can file a complaint on OSHA's website, in writing or by calling the nearest OSHA area office. You may also call the office and speak with an OSHA compliance officer about a hazard, violation, or the process for filing a complaint.

If the above conditions are met, you should take the following steps:

  • Ask your employer to correct the hazard, or to assign other work.
  • Tell your employer that you won't perform the work until the hazard is corrected.
  • Remain at the worksite until ordered to leave by your employer.

If you file a complaint with OSHA, you have the right to be informed about what actions OSHA takes in response to your complaint. If OSHA decides not to conduct an inspection, you also have the right to request a review of that decision.

The table below offers a few "IF/THEN" scenarios to follow.

You believe working conditions are unsafe or unhealthful. Call your employer's attention to the problem.
Your employer does not correct the hazard or disagrees with you about the extent of the hazard. You may file a complaint with OSHA.
Your employer discriminates against you for refusing to perform the dangerous work. Contact OSHA immediately.

For more information on filing a complaint with OSHA visit OSHA's File a Complaint webpage.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-11. What should you do if your employer discriminates against you for refusing to perform dangerous work?