02.D Non-Potable Water.
Outlets dispensing non-potable water must be conspicuously posted "CAUTION - WATER UNSAFE FOR DRINKING, WASHING, OR COOKING".
Outlets dispensing non-potable water at Corps Dumping Stations within campgrounds may, in lieu of this requirement, be posted in accordance with USACE's Engineering Pamphlet (EP) 310-1-6A and EP 310-1-6B.
There must not be any cross-connection, open or potential, between a system furnishing potable water and a system furnishing non-potable water.
Non-potable water may be used for cleaning work areas, except food processing and preparation areas and personal service rooms, provided this non-potable water does not contain concentrations of chemicals, fecal coliform or other substances which could create unsanitary conditions or be harmful to employees.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-4. What is true concerning connections between a system furnishing potable water and a system furnishing non-potable water?
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