03.A.03 First Aid and Medical Facility Requirements.
All projects, activities, or contracts (USACE or contractor operated), for which fewer than 100 persons are employed (greatest total number of employees on a shift) at the site of the work, and where neither a first aid station nor a health clinic is available or the site is more than 5 minutes from a hospital, medical clinic, or doctors' office which has agreed to provide emergency medical support, must be provided with a first aid kit complying with the criteria contained in ANSI Z308.1.
- (1) There must be one first aid kit for every 25 (or fewer) employees.
- (2) In addition to the basic fill requirements of the first aid kit, the contractor or local USACE Safety and Occupational Health Office (SOHO), in consultation with a health care professional, must evaluate the hazards found in the work environment to determine the necessity of optional fill contents.
- All projects, activities, or contracts (USACE or contractor operated) for which more than 99 and fewer than 300 persons are employed (greatest total number of employees on a shift) at the site of the work, must establish and equip a first aid station (per Section 03.C). In non-rural locations, the use of a medical clinic, hospital, or doctor's office, that has agreed to provide emergency medical support and is accessible within 5 minutes of the work location, may be approved instead of a first aid station, provided at least two employees per shift are CPR qualified as defined in 03.A.02.c and a first aid kit complying with the criteria contained in ANSI Z308.1 is available.
- Where tunnels are being excavated, a first aid station and transportation facilities must be provided so that treatment is available within 5 minutes of the occurrence of an injury.
- All medium, high, or extremely high risk operations, projects, activities, or contracts (USACE or contractor operated) for which 300 or more persons are employed (greatest total number of employees on a shift) at the site of the work must establish and equip, as directed by a licensed physician, a health clinic. Requirements for health clinics are in Section 03.C.
- All locations where the work efforts are primarily administrative, such as a district or regulatory office, must have either: an accessible, staffed infirmary in the building or a medical clinic, hospital, or doctors' office that has agreed to provide emergency medical support and is accessible within 5 minutes. If an outside emergency medical clinic, hospital, or doctor's office is used, the location must also have a minimum of 2 employees on each shift qualified to administer first aid and CPR and are trained according to Section 03.A.02.c. The work location must also have several first aid kits meeting the requirements of this document.

Should work activities present any potential exposure (of any part of the body) to toxic or corrosive materials, drenching and/or flushing facilities must be provided in the work area for immediate emergency use. See Section 06.B.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-3. If first aid kits a required on a project, there must be one first aid kit for _____ employees.
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