03.B.04 Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).
The placement of AEDs is optional (except for health clinics, see 03.C.03.d) but highly recommended.

The placement of AEDs on the worksite must be preceded by an assessment of the time and distance to emergency medical services (EMS) and a justification for such equipment. For the ease of use and program maintenance, all AEDs in a location and/or Command should be the same manufacturer and model. For guidance, USACE facilities should refer to Guidelines for Public Access Defibrillation Programs in Federal Facilities (www.foh.dhhs.gov/whatwedo/aed/hhsaed.asp). An AED program must include, at minimum:
- Training and Retraining: Workers required to use an AED must be trained per Section 03.A.02.c. All classes must contain a hands-on component and cannot be taken online. Training must be on the same model and manufacturer of AED available in the work area. The certificate(s) must state the date of issue and length of validity;
- Licensed Physician direction and oversight;
- Documented weekly battery and functionality checks;
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for placement, maintenance, inspections, and EMS activation;
- Equipment Maintenance Program based on the manufacturer's recommendations that, at a minimum, must include pad replacement (regular and after use) and battery replacement.
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