10.E Oxyfuel Gas Welding and Cutting.
10.E.01 Oxyfuel gas welding and cutting equipment must be listed by a nationally- recognized testing laboratory.

Gas welding kit on grunge concrete floor.
10.E.02 Oxygen Cylinders and Apparatus.
- Oxygen cylinders and apparatus must be kept free from oil, grease, and other flammable or explosive substances and must not be handled with oily hands or gloves.
- Oxygen cylinders and apparatus must not be used interchangeably with any other gas.
- Oxyfuel cylinders must not be placed in a confined space with the workers.
10.E.03 Hose and Hose Connections.
- Fuel gas hose and oxygen hose must be readily distinguishable from each other.
- Oxygen and fuel gas hoses must not be interchangeable. A single hose having more than one gas passage must not be used.
- Hose couplings of the type that can be unlocked or disconnected without a rotary motion are prohibited.
- Hose that has been subject to flashback or that shows evidence of severe wear or damage must be tested to twice the normal pressure to which it is subjected, and in no case less than 300 psi (2068.4-kPa) gauge. Damaged hose and hose connectors, or hose and hose connectors in questionable condition, must not be used.
- When parallel runs of oxygen and fuel gas hose are taped together, not more than 4 in out of every 12 in (10 cm out of every 30.4 cm) must be covered by tape.
- Boxes used for the storage of gas hoses and all enclosed spaces which hoses run through or are used must be properly ventilated.
- Hose connections must be clamped or otherwise securely fastened in a manner that will withstand, without leakage, twice the pressure to which they are normally subjected in service, but not less than 300 psi (2,068 kPa) gauge.
10.E.04 Torches.
- Torches must be inspected before each use for leaking shutoff valves, hose couplings, tip connections and damaged torch tips. Defective torches must not be used.
- Hoses must be purged individually before lighting the torch for the first time each day. Hoses must not be purged into confined spaces or near ignition sources.
- Clogged torch tip openings must be cleaned with suitable cleaning wires, drills, or other devices designed for such purposes.
- Torches must be lighted by friction lighters or other approved devices, not by matches or from hot work.
10.E.05 Torch valves must be closed and the gas supply shut off whenever work is suspended.
10.E.06 The torch and hose must be removed from confined spaces whenever work is suspended.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
10-5. Which of the following is true concerning oxygen welding equipment?
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