10.E.07 Protective Equipment.
- Oxyfuel gas, and other oxygen-fuel gas welding and cutting systems using cylinder-regulator-hose-torch must be equipped with both a reverse-flow check valve and a flash arrestor, in each hose, at the torch unless otherwise indicated by the manufacturer instructions.
- When oxygen-fuel gas systems are manifolded together, the provisions of NFPA 51 must apply.

10.E.08 Connection of multiple sets of oxyacetylene hoses to a single regulator on a single set of oxyacetylene tanks may only be accomplished by installing a commercially available fitting approved by Compressed Gas Association (CGA) standards and listed by a nationally-recognized testing laboratory. The fitting must be installed on the output side of the regulator and must have a built-in shut-off valve and reverse-flow check valve on each branch.
10.E.09 Acetylene regulators must not be adjusted to permit a discharge greater than 15 psi (103.4 kPa) gauge.
10.F Arc Welding and Cutting.
10.F.01 Electric welding apparatus must be installed, maintained, and operated in accordance with the NEC.
10.F.02 Manual Electrode Holders
- Only manual electrode holders specifically designed for arc welding and cutting of a capacity capable of safely handling the maximum rated current required by the electrodes must be used.
- All current carrying parts passing through the portion of the holder that is gripped by the welder or cutter, and the outer surfaces of the jaws of the holder, must be fully insulated against the maximum voltage encountered to ground.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
10-6. Acetylene regulators must not be adjusted to permit a discharge greater than _____ gauge?
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