12.C Training.
12.C.01 Training applicable to the roles and responsibilities must be provided to ensure that the purpose and function of the HEC procedures are understood by employees and that employees possess the knowledge and skills required for the safe application, usage, and removal of HEC devices.

12.C.02 When tagout systems are used (only when lockout is not possible), employees must be trained in the limitations of tags.
12.C.03 Employees must be retrained in HEC procedures whenever:
- There is a change in employee job responsibilities or a change in systems or processes that present a new energy control hazard;
- A periodic inspection reveals, or there is reason to suspect the presence of, inadequacies in or deviations from the employee's knowledge or use of HEC procedures;
- There is a change in contractor or local HEC procedures.
12.C.04 All training must be documented. Documentation must contain: names of employees trained; the time, date, and location of training; the name and qualifications of the trainer.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
12-3. When lockout is not possible and tagout systems are used, what must employees receive training in?
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