12.E.06 Personal Protective Grounds.
Following the application of locks and/or tags to energy isolating devices, all potentially hazardous stored or residual energy must be relieved or otherwise rendered safe.

- Protective grounds must be identified and accounted for in some manner, as identified in the Contractor's HECP and procedures.
- The authorized employee (or his designee) is responsible for ensuring the control of residual energy and for placing and removing personal protective grounds in accordance with the Contractor's HECP and procedures.
12.E.07 Before locks or tags are removed and energy restored to the system, the authorized individual must ensure that the following actions have been taken:
- The work area has been inspected and all nonessential items (e.g., tools and materials) have been removed from the system, the system components are operationally intact, and all employees have been safely positioned or removed from the area; and
- All affected individuals have been notified that the locks or tags are about to be removed.
12.E.08 With the exception of the following conditions, each lock and/or tag must be removed from each energy-isolating device by the authorized individual or systems operator who applied the device. When this employee is not available, the device(s) may be removed by another individual appointed by, and under the direction of the Contractor Project Manager or Contractor designated authority, provided that the following procedures are complied with:
- The Contractor ensures that the individual appointed to remove locks and/or tags is knowledgeable of the scope and procedures of the safe clearance;
- This individual and the requirements for transferring removal authority to him/her from the authorized individual are listed in the hazardous energy control plan;
- Verification by the Contractor that the authorized employee who applied the device is not at the facility;
- The Contractor designated authority makes all reasonable efforts to contact the authorized employee to inform him that the locks and/or tags are to be removed; and if a group clearance is involved, then an attempt must be made to have all affected persons sign off on the clearance or they must be contacted by phone. If contact cannot be made, then the lift may be made only after all necessary precautions are taken;
- The authorized employee, upon returning, must be immediately notified of the lift prior to resuming their work.
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12-7. During lockout/tagout, who must be notified that the locks or tags are about to be removed.
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