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501 EM 385-1-1 Construction Safety Hazard Awareness for Contractors Sections 7 - 13
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13.E Explosive-Actuated Tools.

13.E.01 Explosive-actuated (powder-actuated) tools must meet the design requirements of ANSI A10.3.

Positioning the powder actuated nail gun can be a challenge.

13.E.02 Only qualified operators must operate explosive-actuated tools. A qualified operator is one who has:

  1. Been trained by an authorized instructor (one who has been trained, authorized, and provided an authorized instructor's card by the tool manufacturer or by an authorized representative of the tool manufacturer);
  2. Passed a written examination provided by the manufacturer of the tool; and
  3. Possesses a qualified operator's card supplied by the manufacturer and issued and signed by both the instructor and the operator.

13.E.03 Each tool must be provided with the following:

  1. A lockable container with the words "POWDER-ACTUATED TOOL" in plain sight on the outside and a notice reading "WARNING - POWDER-ACTUATED TOOL TO BE USED ONLY BY A QUALIFIED OPERATOR AND KEPT UNDER LOCK AND KEY WHEN NOT IN USE" on the inside;
  2. Operator's instruction and service manual;
  3. Power load and fastener charts;
  4. Tool inspection record; and
  5. Service tools and accessories.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

13-5. Where must explosive-actuated power tools be stored?