13.E.04 Inspection and Testing.
- Daily inspection, cleaning, and testing must be performed as recommended by the manufacturer.
- Explosive-actuated tools must be tested, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedure, each day before loading to see that safety devices are in proper working condition.
- Explosive-actuated tools must be inspected, thoroughly cleaned, and tested after each 1,000 fastenings.
13.E.05 Explosive-actuated tools and the charges must be secured at all times to prevent unauthorized possession or use.

13.E.06 Explosive-actuated tools must not be loaded until just before the intended firing time. Neither loaded nor empty tools are to be pointed at any employees. Hands must be kept clear of the open barrel end.
13.E.07 The use of explosive-actuated tools is prohibited in explosive or flammable atmospheres.
13.E.08 Fasteners must not be driven:
- Into soft or easily penetrable materials unless they are backed by a material that will prevent the fastener from passing through to the other side;
- Into very hard or brittle material, such as cast iron, hardened steel, glazed or hollow tile, glass block, brick, or rock;
- Into concrete unless the material thickness is at least three times the penetration of the fastener shank; or
- Into spalled concrete.
13.E.09 The tool operator must wear appropriate PPE, to include eye protection, hard hats, safety shoes and hearing protection as required. > See Section 5.
13.E.10 If the powder-actuated tool misfires, the employee must wait at least 30 seconds, then try firing again. If the tool will not fire after a second attempt, the employee must wait at least another 30 seconds before removing the faulty cartridge. The faulty cartridge must be placed in water until disposal. Disposal must follow manufacturer's instructions.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
13-6. Where is the use of explosive-actuated tools prohibited?
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