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503 EM 385-1-1 Sections 27-34
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30.A.15 Safe Practices Manual.

Contractors and USACE Districts/Labs with in-house dive teams must develop and maintain a safe practices manual that encompasses their entire diving program.

The safe practices manual must be available at all times to the Government representative and all dive team members at each diving location. The safe practices manual must include, as a minimum, the following:

  1. Dive safety procedures and checklists;
  2. Assignments and responsibilities of dive team members;
  3. Equipment certifications, procedures, and inspection checklists;
  4. Emergency procedures for fire, equipment failure, adverse weather conditions, and medical illness or injury and specific procedures for:
    • (1) Entrapped or fouled diver including fouled umbilical (suction and entanglement/debris);
    • (2) Actions upon loss of vital support equipment;
    • (3) Actions upon loss of gas supply;
    • (4) Action upon loss of communication;
    • (5) Lost diver plan (SCUBA Operations only);
    • (6) Injured diver plan;
    • (7) Actions upon discovery of fire;
    • (8) Diver blow up/over rapid ascent to surface;
    • (9) Diver loss of consciousness; and
    • (10) Injury/illness of member of surface crew with diver in the water.
  5. Procedures for internal safety inspections (frequency, checklists, etc.);
  6. A complete copy of OSHA, 29 CFR 1910, Subpart T, Commercial Diving, and a statement of the employer's policy for ensuring compliance with the standard;
  7. The appropriate U.S. Navy Table(s), including as a minimum:
    • (1) U.S. Navy Table of No-Decompression Limits and Repetitive Group Designation for No-Decompression Air Dives;
    • (2) U.S. Navy Residual Nitrogen Timetables for Repetitive Air Dives;
    • (3) U.S. Navy Standard Air Decompression Table.
  8. A sample of the diving log sheets to be used;
  9. A sample of the repetitive dive worksheets or equivalent (dive profile method) to be used;
  10. An outline of the fitness for duty (including medical) requirements for dive team members, and
  11. An outline of administrative and record-keeping procedures.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

30-5. What is the scope of the contractors and USACE Districts/Labs safe practices manual?