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510 EM 385-1-1 Chapters 1-8
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5-8. General Requirements.

Personal Flotation Devices (PFD)

  • Employers must provide and users must wear USCG-approved Type III, Type V work vests, or better PFDs in specific water-related situations.
  • Automatic-inflatable Type V PFDs are allowed if workers are trained, PFDs are tested, and used according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  • All wearable PFDs must be international orange, orange/red, or ANSI 107 yellow-green with retroreflective material and equipped with a USCG-approved light.

Hand Protection

  • Select hand protection based on task evaluation, conditions, use duration, and identified hazards.
  • Gloves must fit snugly and meet standards like ANSI 105, ASTM F18, and others for specific resistances.

Protective Footwear

  • Protective footwear must meet ASTM F2413 and F2412 for various hazards and be at least as effective as the standards.
  • Add-on devices like protective toe caps are allowed if they meet ASTM F2413 requirements.
  • Unexploded ordnance (UXO) personnel with no metal parts in or on their footwear must wear conduction protective footwear with protective toe cap/composite toe footwear.
  • Personnel participating in wild land fire management activities must wear NFPA 1977 compliant leather lace-up boots with slip-resistant soles not be made of compounds that have low melting points (for example, rubber or plastic).

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-9. Personnel participating in wild land fire management activities must wear boots with soles _____.

5-8. General Requirements. (g.–i.).