8-4. Roles and Responsibilities.
- Ensure employees understand workplace signs, tags, and labels, and any special precautions required.
- Provide, maintain, and manage traffic signs, barricades, and other traffic control devices.
- Use and train flaggers according to specific guidelines and ensure they have the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
- Follow signage directives.
- Report any issues with signs such as being missing, damaged, or obscured.
- Wear appropriate PPE including high-visibility apparel, safety-toed footwear, and hard hats.
- Communicate effectively with the team and the public, and manage traffic efficiently.
USACE Sign Program Manager (USACE ONLY)
- Ensure compliance with the Sign Standards Program.
- Approve all orders for signs at civil works projects.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
8-3. Who is responsible to ensure employees understand workplace signs, tags, and labels, and any special precautions required?
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