The Hierarchy of Controls (HOC)
As you learned earlier, there are many different types of hazards in the workplace.
To combat hazardous conditions and unsafe work practices, a "Hierarchy of Controls" (HOC) has been developed and is widely used throughout the safety industry.
We encourage the use of the HOC described in ANSI/ASSP Z10, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems to control hazards.
The HOC focuses on two basic categories of strategies to mitigate the risk of injury accidents: Hazard control strategies and exposure control strategies. Within each of the two basic categories there are three unique strategies.
Hazard Control Strategies: The first three strategies protect employees by eliminating or reducing the hazards, themselves. In order of priority, they include the following:
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Engineering Controls
Exposure Control Strategies: The final three strategies protect employees by eliminating or reducing employee exposure to hazards. Again, in order of priority, they include the following:
- Warnings
- Work Practice Controls
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Let's discuss each of the strategies in more detail in the next few sections.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-3. What Hierarchy of Controls (HOC) strategy has the highest priority?
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