Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE is designed to protect workers from specific hazards associated with their job tasks. This can include physical injuries, chemical burns, exposure to harmful dust or vapors, electrical hazards, and more.
It's important to remember that, like work practice controls, the use of PPE does not control the hazard itself, but rather it merely controls exposure to the hazard by setting up a barrier between the employee and the hazard. Use of PPE may also be appropriate for controlling hazards while engineering controls are being installed or work practices developed.
Interim Measures
When a hazard is recognized, the preferred correction or control cannot always be accomplished immediately. However, in virtually all situations, interim measures can be taken to eliminate or reduce worker risk. These can range from taping down wires that pose a tripping hazard to actually shutting down an operation temporarily.
By the way, OSHA believes there is always some kind of interim measure that can be used to temporarily abate a hazard. So, you better have a good reason for not using a temporary interim measure to mitigate a hazard.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-7. Which Hierarchy of Control strategy can be used in virtually all situations?
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