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625 HIPAA Privacy Training
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Protected Healthcare Identifiers (PHI)

The Privacy Rule safeguards any "individually identifiable health information" that a covered entity or its business associate holds or shares, regardless of whether it's in electronic, paper, or oral form.

There are many examples of protected healthcare identifiers.

HIPAA protects information that alone or combined may identify a patient, the patient's relatives, employer or household members. Health information that contains even one patient identifier is protected under HIPAA. Examples of identifiable information under HIPAA include:

  • Personal Details: name, address, birthdate, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, and social security number
  • Medical and Account Details: medical record number, health plan beneficiary number, and account number
  • Recordings and Images: voice recordings and photographic images
  • Other Characteristics: factors that describe an individual's past, current, or future physical or mental health

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-7. Health information that contains _____ patient identifier(s) is protected under HIPAA.