Informing Employees and Contractors
The written program must ensure that employees and contractors know about the chemical, physical, and toxicologic properties of the hazardous substances to which they may be exposed before they begin work at the site.
Handling Hazardous Materials
If there are drums or containers on the site - buried or above ground - and you need to move them, you must inspect them first for leaks or signs of weakness. Consider unlabeled containers to contain hazardous materials.

Storing Containers
Store containers so that it is not necessary to move them frequently, and never stand on them or use them as work platforms. Always use explosion-resistant equipment to handle containers in flammable atmospheres.
Controlling Leaks and Spills
Establish a procedure to contain leaks or spills and ensure that employees are trained and have appropriate containment equipment. Make sure there are salvage containers and absorbents at the site. Don't move containers that show signs of weakness, bulging, or swelling or containers that contain radioactive waste until exposure risks have been assessed.
Opening Hazardous-Waste Containers
Use caution when opening containers with pressurized contents; open them from a remote location or use appropriate shielding. Those not involved in opening hazardous-waste containers must be at a safe distance or be protected by a suitable shield. Permit only specially trained employees to open laboratory waste packs. Consider unidentified laboratory waste or any laboratory waste pack with crystallized material on the outside as shock sensitive.
Shock-Sensitive Waste
Those who handle shock-sensitive waste must first evacuate all non-essential employees from the area, sound an alarm to warn others and use handling equipment that has explosion-resistant shields or barriers. Handlers must also ensure continuous communication with the site's safety and health supervisor.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-7. Workers should consider unidentified laboratory waste as _____.
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