Sources of Information
To help gather information about the existing and potential hazards on-site, records related to the site can be evaluated. Information sources include:
- company records, receipts, logbooks, or ledgers
- records from state and federal pollution control regulatory and enforcement agencies, state Attorney General's office, state occupational safety and health agencies, state Fire Marshal's office
- waste storage inventories and manifests or shipping papers
- interviews with personnel (all interview information should be verified)
- generator and transporter records
- water department and sewage district records. Interviews with nearby residents (note possible site-related medical problems and verify all information from interviews)
- local fire and police department records
- court records
- utility company records
- media reports (verify all information from the media)
- previous surveying (including soil, ground-penetrating radar, and magnetometer surveys), sampling, and monitoring data
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-7. Which is an information source to learn about existing and potential hazards on-site?
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