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664 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers V
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Perimeter Monitoring

Fixed-location monitoring at the fenceline or perimeter, where PPE is no longer required, measures contaminant migration away from the site and enables the Site Health and Safety Officer to evaluate the integrity of the site's clean areas.

PPE may not be required for fixed perimeter fenceline monitoring of a hazardous waste site.

Because the fixed-location samples may reflect exposures either upwind or downwind from the site, wind speed and direction data are needed to interpret the sample results.

Periodic Monitoring

Site conditions and atmospheric chemical conditions may change following initial characterization. Periodic monitoring should be conducted when:

  • the possibility of a dangerous condition has developed, or
  • when there is reason to believe exposures may have risen above PELs since prior monitoring was conducted.

The possibility exposures have risen should be seriously considered when:

  • work begins on a different portion of the site;
  • different contaminants are being handled;
  • a markedly different type of operation is initiated (e.g., barrel opening as opposed to exploratory well drilling); or
  • workers are handing leaking drums or working in areas with obvious liquid contamination (e.g., a spill or lagoon).

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-2. What does fixed-location monitoring at the perimeter measure?