Long-Term Air Monitoring Programs
Long-term air monitoring programs should be designed to detect a wide range of airborne compounds.
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Several factors should be considered before implementing any program, including type of equipment, costs, personnel, accuracy of analysis, time to obtain results (turn-around time), and availability of analytical laboratories.
One approach to air monitoring, developed and used by the emergency response team (ERT), is described here. This program achieves a reasonable balance between cost, accuracy, and time in obtaining data using a combination of DRIs and air sampling systems. The data is used to survey for airborne organic vapors and gases, to identify and measure organic vapors and gases, and to identify and measure particulates and inorganic vapors and gases. The ERT approach is based on:
- Using flame ionization detectors (FIDs) and/or photoionization detectors (PIDs) for initial detection of total organic gases and vapors and for periodic site surveys (for total organics). Equipped with strip chart recorders, the detectors are used as area monitors to record total organic concentrations and changes in concentration over a period of time. Calibrated to specific organic contaminants, they are used to detect and measure those substances.
- Collecting area air samples using personal pumps and organic gas/vapor collection tubes. Samples are analyzed using the gas chromatograph (GC) capabilities of field instruments. Selected samples are also analyzed in laboratories accredited by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA).
- Using PIDs and/or FIDs (as a survey instrument or GC) to provide real-time data and to screen the number of samples needed for laboratory analysis.
- Sampling for particulates, inorganic acids, aromatic amines, halogenated pesticides, etc., when they are known to be present or when there are indications these substances may be a problem.
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