Apathy within and towards the safety committee is common in some companies. There may be many reasons for this, but the problem is usually due to factors that can be influenced by the safety committee and top management.

Lack of commitment by top management is likely the most common complaint from safety committee members regarding their lack of accomplishment, which fosters apathy. But are safety committees premature in blaming management for all their issues?
Remember that when you point the finger of blame outward, three other fingers are pointing inward. Safety committee members may want to first reflect on how well they are fulfilling their own responsibilities before accusing management for lack of success.
As mentioned in Module 1, safety committees must have a clear vision to succeed. Management must also have a vision for safety. Safety committees can help management gain that vision by 'educating up'—providing information about the benefits of successful safety committees.
Another less common but important reason safety committees fail is because meetings are too long and boring.
If safety committees suffer from a lack of involvement, ways to turn that situation around include:
- Get management agreement to provide incentives like recognition, rewards, training, bonuses, and career progression to motivate employees to volunteer as committee members.
- Make sure safety committee meetings are short - no longer than one hour. Provide refreshments like pizza, pastries, or coffee.
- Communicate safety committee accomplishments to the workforce.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-4. What is the most common complaint safety committees give for their failure to be effective?
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