Training Strategies for Safety Committees
You know the subjects to train safety committee members, but what type of training is best, and when is the best time to conduct the training?

There are several ways to train safety committee members, including on-the-job training, such as in this photo.
You have several options.
- Formal classroom training: In many cases, formal training in-house or from an external source can quickly train a safety committee member when needed. Classroom training is most effective if the class includes students from various departments or companies. Most adults prefer small group exercises as their favorite training method, while lectures are generally less favored (boring!).
- Online training: This form of training is growing in popularity because safety committee members can fit short training sessions on the computer into their busy schedules, whether at work or at home.
- Informal on-the-job training (OJT):This type of training is best conducted by first-line supervisors. Safety committee members will learn practical skills, such as how to use personal protective equipment, conduct accident investigations, and perform job hazard analyses.
- Mini training sessions at safety committee meetings: This is an effective way to keep safety committee members updated on the latest changes to OSHA standards and company policies, procedures, and rules. Mini training sessions can range from as short as five minutes to up to 30 minutes. Most are around 10 minutes, allowing time to conduct other meeting business.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-4. What classroom training method do adults usually like best?
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