If your company is working towards OSHA's Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) or the Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) certification, you need to be conducting a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) on all hazardous tasks.
This course is designed to introduce the important steps in conducting a Job Hazard Analysis (also called Job Safety Analysis) for the purpose of writing a safe job procedure. The course will help you prepare and conduct each step of an effective Job Hazard Analysis.
The course includes a discussion of conducting a risk assessment, determining hazards, developing preventive measures and safety precautions, and tips on writing a safe job procedure. We'll also discuss why the JHA is a great training tool.
Course Objectives
ID | Objective |
TO 1.0 | Achieve a minimum score of 70% on the final course assessment. |
LO 1.1.1 | Describe the steps in performing a risk analysis to prioritize jobs. |
LO 1.1.2 | Discuss how probability, severity, and exposure are used in the risk formula. |
LO 1.2.1 | Describe the characteristics of each of the steps within the JHA procedure and the best practices when conducting the JHA. |
LO 1.3.1 | Describe questions to ask to identify hazards in the Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and the types of hazards that might be discovered. |
LO 1.4.1 | Describe the "Hierarchy of Controls" to develop preventive measures. |
LO 1.5.1 | Discuss how to write a step-by-step safe job procedure. |
LO 1.6.1 | Describe methods to help improve the JHA process. |
LO 1.6.2 | Describe how the JHA may be used as an effective training tool. |
Key: Terminal Objective (TO), Learning Objective (LO)