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707 Effective OSH Committee Meetings
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How Often Do Safety Committees Meet?

As you can see, most safety committees must meet once a month. Most, but not all committees meet once a month. Some meet more often.

How NOT to Run a Meeting

Remember, you can always do things that "exceed" OSHA minimum requirements. A basic guideline in determining how frequent to meet states, "the greater the risk (or change) in the workplace, the more frequently we should meet."

The degree of risk in the workplace is determined by evaluating probability, severity and exposure. You can find more on this topic in Online Course 704, Hazard Analysis and Control. For instance, in many situations like construction sites, logging operations, and some types of manufacturing, safety committees find it wise to meet more often than once a month.

Meeting After Safety Inspection

You should absolutely meet after a safety inspection! Best practices suggests that it's most effective if the safety committee conducts a meeting immediately after the inspection to:

  • discuss findings
  • ensure identified hazards are reported to responsible supervisors or managers
  • analyze findings and discuss their possible root causes
  • make recommendations to improve safety programs

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-4. What is a basic guideline in determining how often safety committees should meet?