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707 Effective OSH Committee Meetings
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Handling Problem Situations

Disagreement and Conflict

Don't be surprised if and when, during some part of the meeting, an argument or heated exchange between members occurs.

Dealing with Difficult People

When this happens, discussion may quickly degenerate into name-calling and judgment, so it's important to fall back on the ground rules to stop the escalation of heated exchanges.

Words Have Effect

As we've mentioned before, the purpose of the safety committee meeting is to come to a decision about what works vs. what doesn't work. And, it's important to use those terms. It might be interesting to discuss some terms that raise a "red flag" during the meeting. As soon as the chairperson hears any of the following terms, it's important to intervene:

  • bad or evil
  • wrong or incorrect
  • stupid or dumb
  • lazy or crazy
  • ridiculous or idiotic

These terms above, and others like them, may point the finger of judgment about an idea, but the underlying implication is that the person, rather than the idea, is flawed. The implication may be further strengthened by the relationship message reflected in the tone of voice used.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

6-1. What should the chairperson do if someone starts name-calling in a meeting?