How Records are Used
The Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA Form 300) is used to classify work-related injuries and illnesses and to note the extent and severity of each case.

Under this system, it is essential that data recorded by employers be uniform and accurate to assure the consistency and validity of the statistical data which is used by OSHA for many purposes, including:
- inspection targeting;
- performance measurement;
- standards development;
- resource allocation;
- Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) eligibility; and
- low-hazard industry exemptions.
Keeping Records for More Than One Agency
If you create records to comply with another government agency's injury and illness recordkeeping requirements, OSHA will consider those records as meeting OSHA's Part 1904 recordkeeping requirements if:
- OSHA accepts the other agency's records under a memorandum of understanding with that agency, or
- if the other agency's records contain the same information as this Part 1904 requires you to record. (Section 1904.3)
You may contact your nearest OSHA office or State agency for help in determining whether your records meet OSHA's requirements.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-5. The Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA Form 300) is used to _____.
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