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709 Personal Protective Equipment
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Selection of Hand Protection

When selecting gloves for protection against chemical hazards, consider the following:

  • The toxic properties of the chemical(s) must be determined; in particular, the ability of the chemical to cause local effects on the skin and/or to pass through the skin and cause systemic effects.
Some jobs require head-to-toe PPE.
  • Generally, any "chemical resistant" glove can be used for dry powders.
  • For mixtures and formulated products (unless specific test data is available), a glove should be selected on the basis of the chemical component with the shortest breakthrough time, since it is possible for solvents to carry active ingredients through polymeric materials.
  • Employees must be able to remove the gloves in such a manner as to prevent skin contamination.

Skin contact is a potential source of exposure to toxic materials; it is important that the proper steps be taken to prevent such contact. Most accidents involving hands and arms can be classified under four main hazard categories: chemicals, abrasions, cutting, and heat. There are gloves available that can protect workers from any of these individual hazards or any combination thereof.

Gloves should be replaced periodically, based on frequency of use and permeability to the substance(s) handled. Gloves overtly contaminated should be rinsed and then carefully removed after use. With this in mind, there are two important characteristics of gloves to consider.

Permeation rate: This rate measures the length of time it takes a given material (glove) to become saturated by the chemical through absorption.

Breakthrough or Penetration rate: This rate measures the speed with which a given chemical breaks through the layer(s) of the glove to contact the skin.

Gloves should also be worn when handling rough or sharp-edged objects, and materials that are extremely hot or cold. The type of glove material to be used in these situations includes leather, welder's gloves, aluminum-backed gloves, and other types of insulated glove materials.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-6. The length of time it takes for a glove to be saturated by a chemical through absorption is called its _____.