PPE Training Requirements
You are told to mix a certain chemical with water to use as a cleaning agent to wash down your company trucks. You check out the chemical.

It looks like water and feels just like water, so you might think PPE isn't necessary. So, you go about washing the trucks. Your hands and arms get pretty wet with the solution, but there's no pain or sting... it seems safe. Just like water, right? Wrong, very wrong.
In reality, you were using a mix of hydrofluoric acid and water. By the time you reach home, your arms are in severe pain. You rush to the hospital, but it's already too late. The hydrofluoric acid has gone through your skin to your bones. Fluorine ions have replaced calcium ions in the bone, effectively turning it into a sponge-like consistency. But, you are lucky; only one arm must be amputated. The doctors were able to save the other arm.
This serious situation could have been avoided with proper PPE training. The PPE standard mandates that the employer must provide training to each employee who is required to use Personal Protective Equipment. But, what is effective PPE Training? What methods work, and what are the goals of training? We'll try to answer these questions, and others, throughout this module so that you'll be better able to participate in, conduct, or manage PPE training that is beneficial to the employee and cost effective for the employer.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-1. All employees who are required to wear PPE must _____.
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