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709 Personal Protective Equipment
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General Requirements

PPE Standard requirements provide mandatory rules to help employers provide the greatest possible protection for employees in the workplace.

Worker wearing protective clothing and ppe
OSHA requires proper use, cleaning, maintaining, and storage of all PPE.

When employers and employees work together, they can more effectively create and keep a safe and healthy work environment.


In general, employers are responsible for:

  • Performing a "hazard assessment" of the workplace to identify and control physical and health hazards.
  • Identifying and providing appropriate PPE for employees.
  • Training employees in the use and care of the PPE.
  • Maintaining and replacing worn or damaged PPE.
  • Periodically reviewing, updating, and evaluating the effectiveness of the PPE program.


In general, employees are responsible to the employer for:

  • Properly wearing PPE.
  • Attending training sessions on PPE.
  • Taking care of, cleaning, and maintaining PPE daily.
  • Informing a supervisor when PPE needs repair or replacement.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-1. Generally, who is responsible for daily care of, cleaning, and maintaining PPE?