Testing Intervals
Insulating equipment must be tested initially and regularly thereafter. Testing must be according to the following schedule from 1910.137, Table 1-5, Rubber Insulating Equipment, Test Intervals:
- Rubber insulating line hose: Test when there is an indication that the insulating value is suspect and after any repair.
- Rubber insulating covers: Test when there is an indication that the insulating value is suspect and after any repair.
- Rubber insulating blankets: Test before first issue and every 12 months thereafter; when there is an indication that the insulating value is suspect; and after any repair.
How to Inspect Gloves
- Rubber insulating gloves: Test before first issue and every 6 months thereafter; when there is an indication that the insulating value is suspect; after any repair; and after use without protectors.
- Rubber insulating sleeves: Test before first issue and every 12 months thereafter; when there is an indication that the insulating value is suspect and after any repair.
If the insulating equipment has been electrically tested but not issued for service, it may not be placed into service unless it has been electrically tested within the previous 12 months.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-5. Which of the following rubber insulating equipment must be inspected every six months after initial issue?
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