The Electrical Safety Model
Three Step Process
To be safe, you must think about your job and plan for hazards.

Report hazards to your supervisor or trainer.
To make sure you're safe before, during and after electrical work is performed, follow the three-step process of the Electrical Safety Model:
- Recognize hazards: To avoid injury or death, you must first understand and recognize hazards.
- Evaluate risk: You need to evaluate the situation you are in and assess your risks.
- Control hazards: You need to control hazards by creating a safe work environment, by using safe work practices, and by reporting hazards to a supervisor or trainer.
Use the safety model to:
- Identify electrical hazards in your workplace or worksite.
- Don't listen to reckless, dangerous people who encourage you to take unsafe short cuts.
- Evaluate your risk as you perform each new task.
- Take steps to control hazards immediately as you discover them.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-1. What is the first step in the Electrical Safety Model?
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