Safe Work Practices
For accidents to occur, hazardous conditions and unsafe behaviors must somehow interact.

Safe work practices help you control your risk of injury or death from workplace hazards. If you are working on electrical circuits or with electrical tools and equipment that could present hazardous conditions, you need to use safe work practices to prevent accidents.
Before you begin a task, ask yourself:
- What could go wrong?
- Do I have the knowledge, tools, and experience to do this work safely?
All workers should be very familiar with the safety procedures for their jobs. You must know how to use specific controls that help keep you safe. You must also use common sense good sense.
Note: So, why did we strike through "common sense" above? That's because there's no such thing as common sense! We harp on this all the time. You've got to use good sense, and in order to do that, you need to be educated, trained, and have experience. There is no way to get around it. Do not assume someone has common sense: That will get you in trouble and possibly hurt.
Control electrical hazards using the following safe work practices:
- Planning your safety work and working your safety plan
- Avoiding wet working conditions and other dangers
- Avoiding overhead powerlines
- Using proper wiring and connectors
- Using and maintaining tools properly
- Wearing correct PPE and clothing
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
9-1. For accidents to occur, _____ and _____ must somehow interact.
You forgot to answer the question!