Crisis Response Professionals
When an incident occurs, involve these emergency mental health consultants as soon as possible. They will generally meet with management first, working down the chain, and then with line employees. Based on what the consultants learn, they will offer services such as; debriefings, defusing, and informal counseling, perhaps in the work area.
Employee Assistance Program
Small firms interested in setting up an employee assistance program can call the Employee Assistance Professional Association's member services office; the association will put your company in touch with one of its 96 local chapters. The association can also provide information on how several small businesses can share services.
Support Informal Debriefing
The formal debriefing doesn't end the recovery process. Provide opportunities for employees to talk informally with one another when they feel a need to discuss the experience. A comfortable break area and flexibility about break times may be all that is needed.
Support Care-giving Within Work Groups
Keep work groups together as much as possible, and try not to isolate employees from their normal support groups at work. Show respect and support for employees' efforts to care for one another.
Handle Critical Sites with Care
Initially, at the location of a seriously violent worksite incident it may be necessary to secure the site as a crime scene. If it is, management needs to be sensitive to a number of issues. It is helpful if employees don't have to come back to work and face painful reminders. But on the other hand, the area should not be so "sanitized" that it gives the appearance that management is pretending nothing happened. If someone has died, that person's work area will be a focus of grieving, and it needs to be respected as such.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
7-2. Initially, at the location of a seriously violent worksite incident it may be necessary to _____.
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