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720 Preventing Workplace Violence
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Sample Employee Survey on Hazard Assessment

Periodically surveying employees on workplace violence can be a valuable tool for evaluating your workplace violence prevention efforts and gathering suggestions for improving your program. Some employees may prefer not to have their names identified on a survey; making the name "optional" may increase the amount of feedback you receive.

Name (Optional)  _________________________________________________________________
Department/Unit  _____________________________________   Date  ____________________
Work Location  ____________________________________________________________________

Please assess your department/unit over the last year. Circle True, False, or Unknown. Thank you for your honest assessment.

Management Commitment and Employee Involvement

True False Unknown Violence/threats are not accepted as "part of the job" by managers, supervisors and/or employees.
True False Unknown Employees communicate information about potentially assaultive/threatening clients or visitors to appropriate staff.
True False Unknown Management communicates information to employees about incidents of workplace violence.
True False Unknown Employees feel they are treated with dignity and respect by other employees and management.
True False Unknown Employees are basically satisfied with their jobs.
True False Unknown Employees are basically satisfied with management.
True False Unknown Employees are basically satisfied with the organization (i.e., mission, vision, goals).
True False Unknown Employees generally feel "safe" when they are at work.
True False Unknown Employees are familiar with the department’s/unit’s violence prevention policy.

Potential Risk Factors

True False Unknown Employees do not work in high-crime areas.
True False Unknown Employees do not work with drugs.
True False Unknown Employees do not work with cash.
True False Unknown Employees do not work with patients or clients who have a history of violent behavior or behavior disorders.
True False Unknown Employees do not work in isolated work areas.

Hazard Prevention and Control

True False Unknown The department/unit has adequate lighting to, from and within the worksite.
True False Unknown The employee parking garage is secure when arriving, leaving and during changes of shift.
True False Unknown Access and freedom of movement within the workplace are restricted to those persons who have a legitimate reason for being there.
True False Unknown Alarm systems such as panic alarm buttons, silent alarms, or personal electronic alarm systems are being used for prompt security assistance.
True False Unknown Employees know to use security escort service after hours.
True False Unknown After hours, the building is locked down with only one access point.
True False Unknown Visitors are signed in and out.
True False Unknown Exits are accessible and clearly marked.
True False Unknown Employees are able to locate emergency equipment such as fire alarm boxes or emergency generator outlets.
True False Unknown Emergency equipment is accessible and free from obstruction.
True False Unknown Employees are able to locate cellular phones, power-failure phones and/or radios for emergency communication.
True False Unknown Employees know proper procedures if a bomb threat is announced.
True False Unknown Employee emergency call-back list is up-to-date and available.
True False Unknown Employees provide privacy to reflect sensitivity and respect for clients and visitors.
True False Unknown Employees use the "buddy system" to work together if problems arise.
True False Unknown Employees working in the field have cellular phones or other communication devices to enable them to request aid.
True False Unknown Staffing levels are appropriate for department/unit functions.
True False Unknown Reference manuals are up-to-date and available to employees.
True False Unknown There is a grievance policy available to employees.
True False Unknown There is a Safety Committee available as a resource to staff for any hazard concern.


True False Unknown Employees have received training on the company’s workplace violence prevention program.
True False Unknown Employees know how to ask for assistance by phone or by alerting other staff.
True False Unknown Employees have been trained to recognize and handle threatening, aggressive, or violent behavior.
True False Unknown Employees have been trained in verbal de-escalation techniques.
True False Unknown Employees have been trained in self-defense/restraint procedures.

Incidents and Reporting

True False Unknown This work unit/department has not experienced violent behavior and assaults or threats from strangers.
True False Unknown This work unit/department has not experienced violent behavior and assaults or threats from clients or customers.
True False Unknown This work unit/department has not experienced violent behavior and assaults or threats from others employed in the organization.
True False Unknown This work unit/department has not experienced domestic violence issues.
True False Unknown Employees are required to report incidents or threats of violence, regardless of injury or severity; the reporting system is clear.
True False Unknown Medical and psychological counseling services were offered to employees who have been assaulted or threatened.