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720 Preventing Workplace Violence
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Sample Workplace Violence Checklist

The following items serve merely as an exam pie of what might be used or modified by employers to help prevent workplace violence.

This checklist helps identify present or potential workplace violence problems. Employers also may be aware of other serious hazards not listed here.

Designated competent and responsible observers can readily make periodic inspections to identify and evaluate workplace security hazards and threats of workplace violence. These inspections should be scheduled on a regular basis; when new, previously unidentified security hazards are recognized; when occupational deaths, injuries, or threats of injury occur; when a safety, health and security program is established; and whenever workplace security conditions warrant an inspection.

Periodic inspections for security hazards include identifying and evaluating potential workplace security hazards and changes in employee work practices which may lead to compromising security. Please use the following checklist to identify and evaluate workplace security hazards. TRUE notations indicate a potential risk for serious security hazards:

  1. True  _____  False   _____  This industry frequently confronts violent behavior and assaults of staff.
  2. True  _____  False   _____  Violence occurs regularly where this facility is located.
  3. True  _____  False   _____  Violence has occurred on the premises or in conducting business.
  4. True  _____  False   _____  Customers, clients, or coworkers assault, threaten, yell, push, or verbally abuse employees or use racial or sexual remarks.
  5. True  _____  False   _____  Employees are NOT required to report incidents or threats of violence, regardless of injury or severity, to employer.
  6. True  _____  False   _____  Employees have NOT been trained by the employer to recognize and handle threatening, aggressive, or violent behavior.
  7. True  _____  False   _____  Violence is accepted as part of the job by some managers, supervisors, and/or employees.
  8. True  _____  False   _____  Access and freedom of movement within the workplace are NOT restricted to those persons who have a legitimate reason for being there.
  9. True  _____  False   _____  The workplace security system is inadequate - i.e., door locks malfunction, windows are not secure, and there are no physical barriers or containment systems.
  10. True  _____  False   _____  Employees or staff members have been assaulted, threatened, or verbally abused by clients and patients.
  11. True  _____  False   _____  Medical and counseling services have NOT been offered to employees who have been assaulted.
  12. True  _____  False   _____  Alarm systems such as panic alarm buttons, silent alarms, or personal electronic alarm systems are NOT being used for prompt security assistance.
  13. True  _____  False   _____  There is NO regular training provided on correct response to alarm sounding.
  14. True  _____  False   _____  Alarm systems are NOT tested on a monthly basis to assure correct function.
  15. True  _____  False   _____  Security guards are NOT employed at the workplace.
  16. True  _____  False   _____  Closed circuit cameras and minors are NOT used to monitor dangerous areas.
  17. True  _____  False   _____  Metal detectors are NOT available or NOT used in the facility.
  18. True  _____  False   _____  Employees have NOT been trained to recognize and control hostile and escalating aggressive behaviors, and to manage assaultive behavior.
  19. True  _____  False   _____  Employees CANNOT adjust work schedules to use the Buddy system for visits to clients in areas where they feel threatened.
  20. True  _____  False   _____  Cellular phones or other communication devices are NOT made available to field staff to enable them to request aid.
  21. True  _____  False   _____  Vehicles are NOT maintained on a regular basis to ensure reliability and safety. Employees work where assistance is NOT quickly available.